Monday, 20 July 2015

Yang Cherng's Thoughts

We talked about cyberwellness and the importance of teacher-student relationship this morning. These conversation were mostly teacher-centric.

It seems that parents are missing from the conversation.

What are their roles?
How can we get them involved?
What can/should they do?


  1. Parents, parents, parents.... can't live with them, can't live without them. Yet they are important partners in education.

  2. Agree that schools should be in partnership with parents in educating their children on how to behave in cyberspace. Afterall, it is part of parenting.

  3. Often parents have under-estimated the importance of cyber wellness as they are not in the space (or their kids are shutting them out). Yes need to involve them, attract them into the space and be interested to know what their kids are doing. Play the role of a parent as in the real world, in the virtual space, which could be scarier.

  4. In the TED video by the Principal, she said that only 1% of the parents are involved. Thus, many of the problems of students in school could be due to lack of positive parental involvement. However, what can school leaders and teachers do about this? In "disadvantaged" schools, maybe teachers and the school leaders may need to give what is normally given in functional homes, such as love, hope, self-esteem for children, etc.

  5. So in Singapore we have the 'happy problem' of parents being 'too involved'?
