Monday 20 July 2015

There is abundant information outside the classroom in the networked world. Students can leverage technology to learn and tap community knowledge in the digital world. Teachers need to connect with their students and design learning that is relevant to them, and enable them to take responsibility of their learning.


  1. Perhaps for teachers, the key to leveraging technology is to answer these two questions:

    1. How to connect technology use to core values of information literacy?
    2. How do we teach information ethics in the interaction with these technology tools?

  2. Bee Tin, I agree that teacher plays a very different role when all information is at students' finger tips. To add to your point, I think it is important that teachers teach students' how to process and make meaning from the massive amount of information.

  3. Bee Tin, I agree that teacher plays a very different role when all information is at students' finger tips. To add to your point, I think it is important that teachers teach students' how to process and make meaning from the massive amount of information.
