Monday, 20 July 2015

Pauline's Insights...

One question that struck me this morning is 
"How to engage those who don’t know what they don’t know?"

It seems that we may be sometimes assuming that our students know how to learn in the ICT-enriched learning environment, especially as they are supposedly "THE" digital natives". But why is it still so difficult for teachers to seamlessly integrate technology into T&L? Maybe we should rethink how we can do this better by considering the needs of our students who may not know what they don't know before even thinking of how to engage them in this learning environment to design for learning to happen. 

So maybe the first step for myself would be to reflect how differently I am learning now (either at work or building my interests) vs how I used to learn when I was in school... 


  1. Great thoughts. Now with technology in our hand, learning the basics of things is becoming easier right? I can learn how to embed linoit into Google Site by watching a youtube video and how to change my florescent tube to a LED one at home. Great when tech is easily assessible.

  2. Think it is also vital that teachers themselves link their existing pedagogical practices to new ones; just as teachers often try to activate student schema, they need to ask themselves what they know first and they, and the students, will be able to make the links from there.
